So, you're new to the Site and don't know what to do. Should you start writing up SAP files? Is this like the SCP Wiki? Do I ask for permission to contribute? Rest assured, those questions will be answered. Firstly, there is no need to ask for permission to contribute. Most of the places where you can contribute (e.g. a link to a page that doesn't exist) are very straightforward. Of course, sometimes it's not. We'll go over what you can contribute to without permission and what you cannot.
- SAP Files
- Lore pages
- Tales
- Art
- Forum ARGs
All of these are fairly safe and straightforward to contribute to without permission. Any SAP number not already being created can be created by you if it is not [RESTRICTED], [BLOCKED] or [RESERVED], Unless reserved for you. If it says [ACCESS DENIED] then it's a free for all.
The style of the SAP File is to be similar to a government document describing an anomalous item, entity, phenomenon, etc. the layout of it is as shows.
Item#:(numerical designation)
DANGER Level: (see DANGER Levels.)
Aberration Class: (see Aberration Classes.)
Description: (describe the anomaly)
Aftermath Protocols: (describe the protocols put into place for the containment, integration, and/or protection of the anomaly. AKA what they do with it after discovering it.)
Discovery [Optional]: (describe how the Organization came to be aware of the anomaly and how they found it)
But do you really want to start with the SAP File first? Probably not. SAP files are much harder to do, given their intrcitices and making them sounding professional.
Instead, there are other ways to go about contributing for newcomers.
++Lore Pages
Lore pages cover quite a bit of territory, from experiment Logs to found footage to Interviews. The list is wide and expansive. Contributing to Lore pages are fairly easy, with similar methods as the SAP Files, except slots aren't open, you can just create fresh pages which will automatically be put into the chosen Lore category. Making Lore pages are great for newcomers, as it's a small taste of document style story-telling and most analog horror fans/creators will greatly enjoy this style as well.