Site Rules
Welcome to the SAP Wiki! A Collaborative writing project focused on writing about anomalous objects, entities and phenomenon.
This may sound familiar. This Wiki was heavily inspired by the SCP Wiki. Though I'd Like to keep this original in some ways, AKA, don't try to just copy an already existing SCP file. Inspiration is fine, outright plagiarism is not.
The Outline of an SAP file is not dissimilar to an SCP file, but with several important differences.
DANGER Level: (see DANGER Levels.)
Aberration Class: (see Aberration Classes.)
Description: (describe the anomaly)
Aftermath Protocols: (describe the protocols put into place for the containment, integration, and/or protection of the anomaly.)
Discovery [Optional]: (describe how the Repository came to be aware of the anomaly and how they found it)
There are, however, some rules to abide by while writing an article. When an author breaks a rule, they get a warning and will be asked to change their Article to abide by the rules. If they abide, then all is well. If they refuse, then the Article will be deleted. If this occurs 4 times, the author will be banned from the Wiki.
#1: No explicit or graphic sexual content is allowed.
#2: No swearing is allowed. (Swearing includes slurs, racial and otherwise. Swearing does not include, "Retarded". This Rule is not as heavily enforced as the rest.)
#3: Gore IS allowed, no matter how graphic, though please tone down any gore involving genitalia.
#4: an article may not be focused solely upon homosexuality or other similar LGBTQ+ themes. This would include articles which sole purpose are to feature LGBTQ+ characters or scenarios and have little to no story or function other then to be an extension of the author's beliefs or opinions.
If you have been warned about a rule that has been broken in one of your articles and feel it is unfair or that you have not broken a rule, please contact me about any of your concerns.
Member Misconduct
Members may also be given "Strikes" or be banned because of misconduct rather than a failure to follow the rules for an article. A member is not to engage in predatory behavior towards other members. Repeated offenses of this may result in the banning of the predatory individual. A member is to not engage in bullying or instigation of bullying or any form of blackmail. A Member may engage in Roleplay, but only in controlled, specified areas intended for such activities. Members should refrain from roleplaying in professional situations.
For every 100th SAP, we have a contest to decide which one is considered the best or most liked by the community. This is done by having each contender create an SAP for the slot, putting a link to it in a specific page, and then let the community give their ratings on each. Whichever has the most by a certain amount of time (specified) will be given the slot and the 2 runner ups will get any slot they want throughout the entire next 99 slots, and the rest who entered also do, but only after the runner ups choose. Every contest also has a specified theme.
A page will only be deleted on two occasions:
First, if the author breaks any of the aforementioned rules and refuses to change them even after being warned. Or, if the page's rating plummets and the number of downvotes greatly exceeds those of the upvotes. Though, this isn't always cause for deletion, if this happens, the author may choose to revise or rewrite their file.
Every year, on the first of December, the current Master Admin of the site must create a meeting within the forums and/or discord server and send out site news. The meeting must consist of the current Master Admin explaining why it is a good idea for him or her to continue being the Master Admin. And then declare themselves to be the winner and continue on with being the Master Admin. Of course, during this time, they may instead choose an admin to succeed them, but that will rarely happen, we all know this.
Also, it should be noted that the SAP Repository Wiki is intended for members who are 14+, as it explores semi-mature themes, and graphic depictions of gore, as well as requires a level of mental maturity needed to create interesting stories. Though it is not 18+, as more adult themes, such as sexual content and swearing, is mostly prohibited or at the very least, softened to an acceptable degree.
Finally, this is a more conservative Site, though it's main purpose is collaborative story-telling. This is a heads-up to all the people which aren't comfortable with that sort of thing. I apologize to those people and I'm warning them that they might not like this Site very much. Alternatively, there is the RPC Authority Wiki or of course the SCP Foundation Wiki which are both far less conservative. That said, people of more Liberal backgrounds or beliefs are still welcome here.
Good luck, have fun and be fair!